Welcome to the New Blog!
Posted on June 23 2012

Welcome to our blog, SavoringthePast.net. The purpose of this blog is to open dialog with readers and to share insights regarding the history of food.
Food is a universal connection between people of differing cultures, locations, and ages. It’s easy to take for granted the foods we regularly enjoy, giving little thought to the origins of our favorite dishes or how they may have impacted history or evolved over time. The dinner table has always been a place for friends to gather to exchange ideas and engage in dialog ever since…well…ever since there were dinner tables.
While producing our video series called “18th Century Cooking with Jas. Townsend & Son,” we quickly realized there was simply too much interesting food history and information to share in our 10-minute productions. So we’ve started SavoringThePast.net as a means to share authentic recipes, foodie history, and all of the details we found most interesting from our research and experimentation. We invite you to join us at the table as we savor the flavors and aromas of centuries past.
By the way, if you’re unfamiliar with our video presentations, you can watch them on our channel at Youtube.com/jastownsendandson.