This album is a true 5/5.
First off, the production quality - recording, mixing, and mastering:
Having several friends and acquaintances involved in studio recording and production of all types of music, I have heard uncompressed recordings on all of that glitzy-type audio equipment, and I must say, I was surprised when I heard the clarity and brightness of the strings on the first track of the record, and each song kept that energy up, really capturing the performances. I can imagine, with every track, hearing it played in a tavern, a countryside home, or an encampment.
The ONLY thing that I regret about this release, and what keeps it from being a 6/5 having first heard these strapping young men on the Townsends expose, was the absence of vocals! I am sensing a ripe opportunity for a follow-up album - where new tracks could be recorded and put to disc in both instrumental and vocal versions, perhaps digitally, as a bonus special edition, or whatever sounds the most fun for you all!
Keep up the Good Work, and thank you for keeping the musical history of this Great Nation alive!